Turks and Caicos: Diving Part I

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I have been very very lucky to get invited to stunning Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean to go diving with some of my fellow travel agents from the East Coast, New England states to be exact. My flight took me from Los Angeles via Miami directly to Providenciales (or Provo, how the locals call it) located on Grand Turk Island. 10 minute drive to Beaches Resort. One word of advice the flight from Miami to Providenciales is beautiful. If you have a nice sunny day, you will fly over Bahamas, so don't sleep or play with your iPad, look out the wndow and see stuff like this:
The upper photo is Bahamas from the air the lower photo is a coral reef as we were landing to PLS airport. The airport is a little small especially crowded on the way back, but it's Caribbean so everything is worth it.
This was my diving gang. The photo is a bit blurry, that's why this is blog part I there will be part II, when I get the underwater photos, there even may be a Part III later on.

The very next day we went 8 am for our first dive. I didn't have a dive since June and diving with all new people I was a bit nervous, but after about 10 minutes, when I got my bearings and relaxed completely, I went to my underwater zen place. First thing we saw was a turtle swimming by us. Visibility - amazing, coral - stunning. And black tip reef sharks were swimming right by!

Diving can be such a calming, sensual experience. I always try to give myself a chance to swim just an inch or so over a white sand bottom and then skim the sand with my fingertips. Once you are bitten by  the dive bug, you just live to breathe the bubbles...

The resort was great, food was excellent, but since diving takes so much energy there is no guilt for the calories. Here is my photo album of the resort:  BEACHES TURKS & CAICOS

Happy Travels!

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